My secret life |
Most of us welcome
a vivid imagination as it’s the well spring of creativity. Imagination, like
anything else, can be good in the hands of the progressive who use it to create
plays, books, musical scores, cinematography, paintings and other such
Columbus and Magellan would never have circumnavigated the world
without a lot of it. Neither would Edison had had his light bulb moment without
buckets of it and we wouldn’t be communicating as we do without a series of great
minds collaborating to build the super information highway.
And that’s the
problem…..with great achievements (and imagination) comes greater
responsibility. The obligation to ensure that what we produce through use of
our imagination will enhance our lives and those around us. Naturally this is a
double edged sword so it can be either friend or foe.
The sun always shines in Cyberland |
I refer to
“Second Life”, a web game that allows you to create an entirely new character
using an avatar and a life that bears little or no resemblance to your
own. Since we live in a world of possibilities then “Second Life” opens
doors that are closed to you in real life.
If you fancy being
a curvaceous red-head or a surgically enhanced blue eyed bombshell or a
broad-shouldered hunk with glistening pecs then step right into your Second
Life. This is a virtual world where you can be anything you want to and live in
places that you’ve always dreamed of.
It’s a glossy, sunkissed lifestyle with
opulent homes by the beach, state of the art vehicles, luxurious entertainments
and world-wide travel. You can make “friends” and even enter into full blown
relationships with simulated sex (keeping your clothes on!). It’s all too unreal to
be real!
“Second Life” makes
real life seem dull and boring and so the people who indulge themselves in this
virtual world find themselves disappointed – with their husbands, partners,
children, jobs, homes and friends. Nothing can compare to a life that’s
seemingly perfect in every way. There’s no poverty, dilapidated buildings,
rattling jalopies, broken fingernails or anything that would be a blot on the
One woman became so
obsessed with her “second life” that she ignored the needs of her husband
and children. She “fell in love” with another avatar, had “cyber-sex” and
felt so involved in the relationship that she had to meet him in real
life. She travelled 5000 miles to meet the man behind the avatar and
guess what….it was awkward to say the least and they found that there was no
chemistry between them even though they had been “together” in their virtual
life. She returned very disappointed to her family.
Not Mr Right |
Another couple got
married in the virtual world and then met up in real life and found that they
were genuinely in love. They got “married” on screen and found it an
exhilarating experience. You can organise your nuptials complete with venue,
flowers, bridesmaids, cars, gifts, honeymoon with none of the hassles in the
real world. This is one place you don’t need a wedding planner or your mother!
The biggest advantage being that everything is affordable for the price of membership.
Stories such as
these can be brushed off as some light-hearted fun or it serves to show how
compelling the world of web games are. When we live in this altered state of
reality we sometimes forget that we can achieve our ambitions in the real
world with effort and focus. If, by some chance, our on-screen persona spills over to our regular one then that could be a match made in heaven.
Land of Make-believe |
All of us seek more
excitement and inspiration but perhaps cyberland is not the best place to
go in search of it. This world of infinite possibilities can lead us to
delusion and despair. We want the fantasy to be the reality but it can’t be.
We’re reluctant to leave this dream-like world but we have to. We don’t want to
grow up or age gracefully even though its inevitable. We want to be something
we’re not and that’s unhealthy.
There’s something about ourselves that we believe we
can’t fix. So “ Second Life” becomes that fix – a quick one just before the
kids or hubby get home. A cyber lover can betray you as easily as a real life
one and a cyber relationship can be as complicated as any you’ve found in the
real world.
Wisdom does not
live in the world of cyberspace and perhaps that’s the thing we need a little
more of….not a four wheel drive or a beach home! Meaningful relationships are not found
out-of-this- world and they’re not found in artificial personalities.
I'm nobody's toy! |
Cyber love is emotional adultery and hurts those we live with; its a merry-go-round of utter selfishness and....beware....what goes around comes around. If you find yourself being cybercised don't feel bad! When you
ignore flesh and blood to play in your make-believe playground the tables may be turned on you. . Unrequited cyber
love can hurt just as much as the real thing so don’t get hung up on it…it’s
just a game....so don't become the plaything!
Labels: World view